Introducing Alex Kihn: PE Teacher, Head Basketball Coach, Career Development Welcome Alex Kihn! Alex Kihn is a native of Rogers!. He graduated

Introducing Samara Camyn: Art Teacher Welcome Samara Camyn! Samara Camyn is a practicing artist based in Northwest Arkansas. She has a bachelor’s

Introducing John McGowan: History Teacher Welcome John McGowan! Mr. John McGowan has a passion for making History engaging and thought provoking for

Introducing Ryan Trickey: Music and Performing Arts Teacher Welcome Ryan Trickey! Met Ryan Trickey!  A graduate of the University of Arkansas, Ryan

Introducing Cassie Lothes: Math and Science Teacher Welcome Cassie Lothes! Originally from Orange County, California, Mrs. Cassie Lothes moved to Arkansas at the

Introducing Ian Dapkewicz: English and History Teacher Welcome Ian Dapkewicz! Ian Dapkewicz is excited to share his passion for reading, learning, and